60th Anniversary Fest

Multi-Cultural Liturgy
Sunday, August 21st
11:00 AM (There will not be a 10 AM, 12 Noon, or 4 PM Vietnamese Mass)
There will be Multi-Cultural Liturgy to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Our Lady Queen of the World.

We invite parishioners from different cultures to represent their culture in the procession by wearing their native costumes that identify their country of origin.

Multi-Cultural Entertainment, Food, Booths, Games, Etc.
There are plans to have a multi-cultural entertainment at Fr. Palis Hall right after the Anniversary Fest Liturgy. If you are interested in performing in the multi-cultural entertainment, please contact Shawnie Graham at ladycion@comcast.net.

There will be Food Booths from various nationalties and organizations where you can sample different dishes from different cultures.

We are making plans to have Game Booths for our young people to play and enjoy. More information will be made available later.

We are looking for families or groups who will be interested in managing a game booth or food booth. If you are interested, contact Shawnie Graham at ladycion@comcast.net.

Volunteers Needed
We need volunteers for the following committees. Let us know if you are interested:
Souvenir Program/Advertisements
Raffle/Scrip Tickets
Set Up
Clean Up

Busy? No time to spare? How can you help?
If you find you cannot volunteer your time to help in preparation of our 60th Anniversary Celebration, you can still help us in other ways. You can lend us or donate some of the items listed below.
Stuffed Animals
Raffle Prizes or Gift Prizes for Game Booths
Wrapped Candies
Bottled Water
Canned Soda

Can you lend?
Canopies for booths