Tag: k of c

Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Sponsored by the K of C

Saturday, March 22, 2025Doors open at 6 pm! The menu includes:Corned Beef OR ChickenPotatoesCarrots & CabbageDessert cake sold separately thru Cake Auction Orders must be reserved in advance! Reservations can be made until March 15th! $20.00 each/$10.00 for Ages 10 and Under Call Steve Carstensen at (925) 383-0292 or email taxider@aol.com to make your order!

Annual Crab Feed Sponsored by the K of C

The Knights of Columbus are once again having their Annual Crab Feed! February 17, 2024Last day to reserve a seat is February 11th! Menu:Crab or Tri-tip SteakSalad, Bread & PastaCoffee & Cheesecake Pricing:$65 per individiual$490 for a table of 8