Hispanic Breakfast Sponsored by the Hispanic Community
Hispanic Breakfast April 14, 9:00 am to 11:30 am Chilaquiles, eggs, with chorizo and beans Dessert: Mexican Pastry $12.00 Contact Silvia Hernandez, (925) 759-1298
Easter Egg Hunt Sponsored by the CCD
The CCD is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, March 31st! March 31, 2024At 11:30 AM, Before the 12 Noon Mass We are in need of donations of plastic eggs, candies, and treats! If you wish to donate, please drop them off at the Church Rectory or CCD office. Thank you!
Lenten Meatless Friday Suppers
Come join the different communities in our Parish who will be preparing Meatless Friday Suppers in lieu of our Monday Night Lenten Soups. Doors open 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm The schedule is as follows:February 16: Regina Mundi GuildFebruary 23: Hispanic CommunityMarch 1: Knights of Columbus & ColumbiettesMarch 8: Vietnamese CommunityMarch 15: Filipino AssociationMarch 22:…
Diocese of Oakland – New Liturgical Policies
Below is an excerpt from communication received from the Diocese of Oakland: “The Structure of the Mass, Its Elements and Its parts” regarding the New Liturgical Policy – common bodily posture, to be observed at Mass and to be implemented by Ash Wednesday February 14th, 2024:The General Instruction for the Roman Missal for the United…
IMPORTANT! Lenten Events & Holy Week Mass Schedule
Stations of the CrossEvery Friday During Lent at 7:00 pmFebruary 16th, Filipino AssociationFebruary 23rd, Regina Mundi GuildMarch 1st, St. Vincent de PaulMarch 8th, Hispanic CommunityMarch 15th, Confirmation 3 StudentsMarch 22nd, Vietnamese CommunityMarch 29th, Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes Parish Communal PenanceMarch 18th, 7:00 pm Holy Week Schedule Please take note of the Mass Schedule set…
Annual Crab Feed Sponsored by the K of C
The Knights of Columbus are once again having their Annual Crab Feed! February 17, 2024Last day to reserve a seat is February 11th! Menu:Crab or Tri-tip SteakSalad, Bread & PastaCoffee & Cheesecake Pricing:$65 per individiual$490 for a table of 8
Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule
February 14, 2024 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 7:30 pm English Please plan accordingly, as parking will be tight.