2023 Breaking Bread Missalettes for Sale
Starting this weekend, November 12th on, we will be selling the 2023 Breaking Bread Missalette Books for $5.00! Also, pick up the 2023 Liturgical Calendar!
Starting this weekend, November 12th on, we will be selling the 2023 Breaking Bread Missalette Books for $5.00! Also, pick up the 2023 Liturgical Calendar!
Fall Bazaar Sponsored by the Columbiettes! Come shop local! Explore the crafts and enjoy the food! November 26, 2022, 9 am to 3 pmPalis Hall
First meeting will be December 3, 2022! Join us!
Let us come together to remember our loved ones who have gone before us. November 5, 2022 9:30 am There will not be an 8:00 am mass that morning. This mass will also coincide with the CCD mass.
5 Tickets for $20.00 Get your raffle ticket for a chance to win a Grand Prize of $1000.00; 2nd Prize of $500.00; 3rd Prize of a 2 Free Nights Air BnB Stay in Sparks, NV; and other consolation prizes! Tickets are available after every Mass, from the Rectory, or from members of our various Parish…
A special souvenir program will be made to commemorate our 60th Parish Anniversary! We are accepting advertisements and personal well wishes for a small donation. Please complete the form below and attach your message, photograph, or business card. Turn it in to the Rectory along with your donation in the form of cash or check.
Multi-Cultural LiturgySunday, August 21st11:00 AM (There will not be a 10 AM, 12 Noon, or 4 PM Vietnamese Mass)There will be Multi-Cultural Liturgy to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Our Lady Queen of the World. We invite parishioners from different cultures to represent their culture in the procession by wearing their native costumes that identify…