Women’s Retreat Sponsored by the Columbiettes

This is going to be a wonderful retreat, and we encourage you all to attend. It will be at St. Anthony’s church in Oakley. Perhaps some of you can make arrangements to ride together. Please see the attached flyers. These speakers are so inspirational, you will not want to miss this one.

Please find the flyer and Registration Form for the Columbiettes’ Annual Lenten Retreat. Yuklin and her committee, Tina, Celeste and Libby have really put themselves into this spiritual event and cordially invite you and others to attend.

There are 3 options to turn in your completed Form: hand deliver to Parish Rectory Office, place in Parish mailbox located in front of Church, or better yet, send via email to COLUMBIETTE10414@GMAIL.COM

Need more information: contact Yuklin Abraham, 925-305-8004 or yuklinabrahm16@gmail.com