Flower Bulb Fundraiser Sponsored by the Columbiettes
Columbiettes are once again selling bulbs to raise funds to replace our parking lot lights. We want to upgrade the lights to LED to be more energy efficient and also brighter in the parking lot. You can help by ordering flower bulbs and vegetable seeds. The Columbiettes will get 50% of all sales. The event…

Filipino Association Pancit & Lumpia Sale
The Filipino Association is accepting advanced orders of fried lumpia (larger than one dozen) and pancit trays for $25! See the sign up sheet on the table by the church entrance, call (925) 389-1874 or (925) 389-0068, or e-mail ladyion@comcast.net to make an order! Deadline to pre-order cooked orders is April 9th! Their Pancit & Lumpia sale will…